Leung JY, Leung GM, Schooling CM. Socioeconomic disparities in preterm birth and birth weight in a non-Western developed setting: evidence from Hong Kong "Children of 1997" birth cohort. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2016 Nov; 70(11): 1074-1081 [pubmed]
Kwok MK, Leung GM, Schooling CM. Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency and physical and mental health until adolescence. PLoS One. 2016 Nov; 11(11): e0166192 [pubmed]
Kwok MK, Schooling CM, Subramanian SV, Leung GM, Kawachi I. Pathways from parental educational attainment to adolescent blood pressure. Journal of Hypertension. 2016 Sep; 34(9): 1787-95 [pubmed]
Kwok MK, Schooling CM, Leung GM, Subramanian SV. Grandparental education, parental education and adolescent blood pressure. Preventive Medicine. 2016 Sep; 90: 59-65 [pubmed]
Lai TC, Leung GM, Schooling CM. Maternal age of menarche and blood pressure in adolescence: Evidence from Hong Kong's "Children of 1997" Birth Cohort. PLoS One. 2016 Jul; 11(7): e0159855 [pubmed]
Huang JV, Leung GM, Schooling CM. The association of air pollution with birthweight and gestational age: evidence from Hong Kong's "Children of 1997" birth cohort. Journal of Public Health. 2016 Jul [pubmed]
Wang H, Lin SL, Leung GM, Schooling CM. Age at onset of puberty and adolescent depression: "Children of 1997" Birth Cohort. Pediatrics. 2016 Jun; 137(6). pii:e20153231 [pubmed]
Lai TC, Au Yeung SL, Lin SL, Leung GM, Schooling CM. Maternal age of menarche and adiposity: Evidence from Hong Kong's "Children of 1997" birth cohort. Epidemiology. 2016 May; 27(3); 433-7 [pubmed]
Kwok MK, Leung GM, Schooling CM. Association of birth order with early adolescent growth, pubertal onset, blood pressure and size: Evidence from Hong Kong's "Children of 1997" Birth Cohort. PLoS One. 2016 Apr; 11(4): e0153787 [pubmed]
Leung JY, Lam HS, Leung GM, Schooling CM. Gestational age, birth weight for gestational age, and childhood hospitalizations for asthma and other wheezing disorders. Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 2016 Mar; 30(2): 149-59 [pubmed]
Leung JY, Kwok MK, Leung GM, Schooling CM. Breastfeeding and childhood hospitalization for asthma and other wheezing disorders. Annals of Epidemiology. 2016 Jan; 26(1): 21-7 [pubmed]
Hui LL, Leung GM, Schooling CM. Social patterning in adiposity in adolescence. Prospective observations from the Chinese Birth Cohort "Children of 1997". PLoS One. 2016 Jan; 11(1): e0146198 [pubmed]