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Grants 基金

Health and Medical Research Fund, 2021-2023 (Grant No. 07181916), Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區食物及衞生局醫療衞生研究基金 2021-2023 (撥款編號: 07181916)


Health and Medical Research Fund, Health and Health Services (former HHSRF), 2020-2021 (Grant No.: 17181271), Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區食物及衞生局醫療衞生研究基金 2020-2021 (撥款編號: 17181271) 


Health and Medical Research Fund, 2019-2024 (Grant No. CFS-HKU1), Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區食物及衞生局醫療衞生研究基金 2019-2024 (撥款編號: CFS-HKU1)


Preemptive retention/Start up fund, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, China, 2019-2022.

Health and Medical Research Fund, 2019-2021 (Grant No. 06173806), Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區食物及衞生局醫療衞生研究基金 2019-2021 (撥款編號: 06173806)


Health and Medical Research Fund Research Fellowship, 2018 (Grant No. 04180097), Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區醫療衞生研究基金研究獎學金 2018 (撥款編號: 04180097)


Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 2016-2018.


Health and Medical Research Fund, 2016 (Grant No. 03143776), Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區食物及衞生局醫療衞生研究基金 2016 (撥款編號: 03143776)

Health and Medical Research Fund, 2016 (Grant No. 03143766), Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區食物及衞生局醫療衞生研究基金 2016 (撥款編號: 03143766)

Health and Medical Research Fund, Health and Health Services (former HHSRF), 2015 (Grant No.: 12132731), Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區食物及衞生局醫療衞生研究基金 2015 (撥款編號: 12132731) 


Health and Medical Research Fund, 2012 (Grant No. 10111491), Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區醫療衞生研究基金 2012 (撥款編號: 10111491)

Health and Medical Research Fund, 2012 (Grant No. 10111311), Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區醫療衞生研究基金2012 (撥款編號: 10111311)

Health and Medical Research Fund, 2012 (Grant No. 10111201), Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區醫療衞生研究基金 2012 (撥款編號: 10111201) 

RGC General Research Fund, 2011  (Grant No. 769811), Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區優配研究金 2011 (撥款編號: 769811)

Health and Health Services Research Fund, 2011 (Grant No. 09101061), Hong Kong SAR, China.

香港特別行政區衞生及醫護服務研究基金 2011 (撥款編號: 09101061) 

Health and Health Services Research Fund, 2010 (Grant No. 08090761), Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區衞生及醫護服務研究基金 2010 (撥款編號: 08090761)

Health and Health Services Research Fund, 2008 (Grant No. 05060671), Hong Kong SAR, China.

香港特別行政區衞生及醫護服務研究基金 2008 (撥款編號: 05060671)   

The University of Hong Kong, University Research Council Strategic Theme of Public Health. 2007.

Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases, 2007 (Grant No. 06060592), Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區控制傳染病研究基金 2007-2008 (撥款編號: 06060592) 

Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases, 2006 (Grant No. 04050172), Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區控制傳染病研究基金 2006-2007 (撥款編號: 04050172) 

Health and Health Services Research Fund, 2005 (Grant No. 03040771), Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區衞生及醫護服務研究基金 2005-2007 (撥款編號: 03040771)

World Health Organization funding the 1987 Birth Cohort in the collaborative study with the "Children of 1997" Birth Cohort.


Hong Kong Health Care and Promotion Fund 1996 (Grant No. 216106), Hong Kong SAR, China.

中國香港特別行政區健康護理及促進基金 1996 (撥款編號: 216106)

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