Hui LL, Lee SL, Kwok MK, Yu CW, Schooling CM. Formula-feeding and the risk of type-2 diabetes mellitus among Hong Kong adolescents. Hong Kong Med J. 2018 Aug;24(4 Supplement 4). [pubmed]
Hui LL, Li AM, Nelson EA, Leung GM, Lee SL, Schooling CM. In utero exposure to gestational diabetes and adiposity: does breastfeeding make a difference?. International Journal of Obesity. 2018 Jul;42(7):1317. [pubmed]
Leung CY, Leung GM, Schooling CM. Behavioral problem trajectories and self-esteem changes in relation with adolescent depressive symptoms: a longitudinal study. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology. 2018 Jul 1;53(7):673-84. [pubmed]
Kwok MK, Schooling CM, Subramanian SV, Leung GM, Kawachi I. Opposite associations of household income with adolescent body mass index according to migrant status: Hong Kong’s “Children of 1997” birth cohort. International Journal of Obesity. 2018 Jun;42(6):1221. [pubmed]
Liu JX, Yeung SL, Kwok MK, Leung JY, Lin SL, Hui LL, Leung GM, Schooling CM. Birth weight, gestational age and late adolescent liver function using twin status as instrumental variable in a Hong Kong Chinese birth cohort:“Children of 1997”. Preventive medicine. 2018 Jun 1;111:190-7. [pubmed]
Hui LL, Kwok MK, Nelson EA, Lee SL, Leung GM, Schooling CM. The association of breastfeeding with insulin resistance at 17 years: Prospective observations from Hong Kong's “Children of 1997” birth cohort. Maternal & child nutrition. 2018 Jan;14(1):e12490. [pubmed]
Hui LL, Nelson EA, Wong MY, Chung TW, Lee KK, Leung GM, Schooling CM. The Association of Intergenerational Mismatch With Adiposity and Blood Pressure in Childhood and Adolescence. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2018 Jan 1;62(1):100-6. [pubmed]
Huang JV, Leung GM, Schooling CM. The association of air pollution with height: Evidence from Hong Kong's “Children of 1997” birth cohort. American Journal of Human Biology. 2018 Jan;30(1):e23067. [pubmed]